波萝冰淇淋Jackfruit Ice Cream

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500 ml heavy cream(non sweetened), 250 ml milk, 1/2 tsp of salt, 8 “Grade A” egg yolks, 100 g sugar, 250 ml coconut cream, 300-350g jack fruit flesh(blended coarsely)

1.In a heavy saucepan, heat milk, cream and salt over medium high heat to a simmer. Turn heat down to medium.(pic 1)
2.In a separate bowl whisk together the eggs yolks and sugar. Slowly pour this egg/sugar mixture into the simmering milk mixture and whisk. Do not whisk too hard to avoid becoming“scrambled eggs.”(pic 2)
3.Meanwhile, clean the jackfruit, removing its seeds and pulse it gently in your processor with the coconut cream. We want small pieces of fruit for the ice cream.(pic 3-4)
4.Add the coconut cream into milk mixture and continue to stir until the mixture coats the back of a spoon. Turn off heat and leave to cool before freezing the ice cream mixture.(pic 5)
5.After 2 hours when the ice cream starts to form hard ice bits, remove and beat the ice cream over medium speed till smooth. Return the mixture into the freezer over night.